From humble beginnings

The Legacy of Faith, Family, Christian ethics, Work ethics, Community and Education began with Harrison R. Singletary, the patriarch of this family.

Up from humble and meager beginnings, the journey of Harrison and Azzie Bell began in Bladenboro, North Carolina, after matrimony in June of 1933. Initially Harrison was given one acre of land by his father that housed two small old buildings - one served as the bedroom and the other was used as the kitchen. The two buildings were connected by a walking board for easy access. Both buildings were heated by wood while kerosene lanterns provided flickering light during night. Harrison often worked by day until the sun set and by night using a lantern and an old "cranky and rebellious mule" to help him till the soil in preparation for the planting of various farm crops including soy beans, corn, wheat, peanuts, cucumbers, cotton, and tobacco. The farm also included livestock.... hogs and cattle that were used as food and financial subsistence. “Bell”, the name he affectionately called his wife, worked jointly with her husband on the farm, as much as possible, while maintaining the home front. Large vegetable gardens and chickens roving freely in closed pins, and at times in the yard, were common scenes that permiated this home landscape. When relatives and friends came to call, the doors of this home were open. The late night conversations, laughter, the smell of coffee, the cooked food and the sleep-overs made the home of Harrison and Azzie Bell a safe and inviting haven for many travelers.

As descendants of Harrison R. and Azzie Bell Singletary, we celebrate their memory and we are committed to perpetuating the principles that sustained them throughout their lives. Therefore, "The Legacy Lives On" through establishing the HR&AB Scholarship Fund.


Our goal is to raise $25,000 to be able to grant our first award.

NC A&T will match the scholarship endowment fund dollar-for-dollar with no maximum (aka 100% match).

What does this mean?
Once our initial goal of $25K is reached the endowment fund would become a $50K endowment.

  • Monies donated will go directly to the scholarship fund established by the family and managed by NC A&T University.
  • Each family, friend, or other person/s that makes a donation will receive a tax deduction receipt from NC A&T.

Please help us reach this goal. By doing so you are investing in the future of the youth in our communities.

A spilled jar of coins with the word 'Donate' written on a piece of paper
Researched many different ways to establish our scholarship fund in memory of many family who've instilled the importance of education within the family and many friends.
Establish Endowment Scholarship
Established criteria and applied for endowment scholarship with North Carolina A&T State University
Raising funds within 5 year deadline.
1st Award

What Does Aggie Pride Mean to You?

"Aggie Pride" is a catchphrase that encompasses the love and pride that students have for North Carolina A&T State University. Compared to the 130 year history of North Carolina A&T, the “Aggie Pride” catchphrase is relatively new. The sense of “Aggie Pride”, however, has been around, for decades. You may recall phrases such as “Aggie Spirit” and “Aggie born, Aggie bred, and when I die I’ll be an Aggie dead!” that students used to express their school pride.

Most recently, an acronym has been created to go along with the meaning: Achieving Great Goals In Everything

What does Aggie Pride mean to you? Shout your Aggie Pride for everyone to hear!

Add Yours!

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Trenton S. Lyons

Aggie Pride ‘21 12/11/21

Ashton T. Lyons

Current Jr Aggie Pride

Dr. Saundra Singletary White


The environment at NCA&T nourished, prepared and encouraged me to seek higher levels of education - a legacy that continued with my children

Jennifer Macklin

B.S. & M.S. Computer Science

Aggie Pride!!! 💙🐶💛

William R Singletary

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology

I am proud to say that I am Aggie Born, Aggie Bred, And when I die I'll be Aggie Dead. And I'm also a proud Aggie Father.

Brian White

Business Logistics

Wonderful experience all 4 years. And to see the evolution of the university since I graduated makes me proud!

Jenean White, MD


AnMed Health
Aggie Pride!!

Shamere Cole


Nadia Jones

B.S. Computer Science

A! GGIE!!!! P! RIDE!!!!!

Crystal Gettis

Bachelor of Science & Master of Science in Computer Science

AGGIE PRIDE!! I’m proud of the unforgettable memories, life changing experiences, and lasting friendships that were formed!

Myron Harris

Sport a science and fitness management


Troy B

Computer Science

Aggie Pride!

Jonathan Jones

Computer Science

Meeting great people during my tenure at the illustrious North Carolina A&T State University.

Tarise Singletary

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Proud to have graduated from the College of Engineering.

In Honor and Memory of Harrison R and Azzie Bell Singletary, the family establishes this Scholarship Fund.

“The Legacy Lives On”.